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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pineapple Fruit Merit

This fruit is many contains vitamin a and c as antioksidan. Also contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, natrium, potassium, dekstrosa, sukrosa, and enzyme bromelain. Bromelain have merit as counter inflamed , help to soften food at lambung, with retard cancer cell growth. The fiber pregnancy can simplify to defecate in constipation sufferer.

Several pineapple fruit merits that ripe:
  • Has cold,
  • Can decrease out it sour lambung that over do,
  • Help food digestion at lambung,
  • Counter inflamed ,
  • Peluruh urinate (menguretik),
  • Clean skin network that die,
  • Disturb cancer cell growth,
  • Retard trombosite clotting.

Several diseases that remediable with pineapple fruit:
  1. distillation water (juice) pineapple: suffer from intestinal worms, bronchitis, gives, demote heavy body, digestion problem
  2. pineapple leaf (washes out, threshed soft, balur in ill): for singe, itchy and boil
  3. dandruff: prepare 1/4 ripe pineapple fruit. peel the skin, then grater, press, and filter. Add distillation water 1 lime and stir until flat. Use this ingredients to scrubs scalp berketombe. Do evening before sleep. The following day morning it hair mengeramas. Do 2-3 time within a week.
  4. skin inflamation: prepare 1/2 pineapple fruit that ripe. peel the skin, then grater. The scraped result is worn to scrub scaly skin and abrade. Do once a day, evening before sleep. The following day morning it new washed clean. do every day.
  5. constipation: drink distillation water from 3 pineapples, but choose fruit true under done and rather a little sour.

Side effects:

  • Potential young pineapple as abortivum or of a kind medicine that can abort pregnancy. therefore, pineapple can be used to launch late menstruation. therefore, pregnant woman is forbidden to consuming young pineapple.
  • Rheumatism trigger. In channel digests, fermentation pineapple fruit is alcohol. This can rheumatism rela trigger gout. rheumatism sufferer and inflamed hinge is suggested to limit pineapple consumption.
  • Increase blood sugar. Ripe pineapple fruit contains sugar degree enough tall. So, for sufferer mengabetes, best not mengonsumsi pineapple redundantly.
  • Evoke to feel an itch. sometimes sehabis eat fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue asa itchy. To avoid it, before eaten, soak pineapple fruit cut with salt water. Simple not?
Indonesia version source : http://suaramerdeka.com

Trik Whiten Armpit

From i study in this time from cause become black it armpit, usually caused by use deodorant too hard and cleaning deodorant less maximal moment bathe. Besides revocation in armpit feather just any also will causes black coloured armpit,because feather that pulled ill savor care of leaves wound . Although we are that wound consequence savor, but long too long that wound will become black.
As to manner whitens armpit gradually with use scrub in your armpit before bathes, then so that maximal the result cleans armpit after use deodorant by using cleaner milk.

Article by Aan

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tips Care Hair

  1. activity whom you experience everyday determine how often should you wash hair. there is no standard standard what day once must wash hair. but, when does your activity more many beyond room, wash hair every day.
  2. koid to scratch scalp at the (time) of wash hair. besides will make wounded scalp, this manner also make natural moisturizer found at scalp decreases. do light massage in scalp part. to overcome hair very dry, use kondisioner every finished to shampoo. ascertain you have washed remainder shampoo moment dab it at hair.
  3. when does hair condition brokening, let hair mengering baturally. hair package with towel enough thick and soft. koid to scrub hair with towel, because will causes hair more tousleder.
  4. but, when are you being hunted time using hair dryer aid (hair dryer) in temperature, in a condition hair moist. try to wear hair dryer in distance most safe, that is 3-4 cm from hair.
  5. movement hair dyer begin from part on up to downwards hair. this will make hair cuticle will close meeting. with such appear hair straighter and neat.
  6. koid to interesting overweening hair with comb moment wear hair dyer, because causes breakable hair and fall of.
  7. use round hair comb aid with profile metal. this will make dry quicker hair. accomodate size comb with your hairstyle.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Overcome Blotch

Blotch that is skin disease berpusat near between groin and can creep to entire body skins. Likely itchy when hit sweat or hot, round white the colour merata fungoid wood. While scabies disease that contain germ, can contagious, scabies shaped little boils, contain suppuration in it. If ringworm, skin disease a kind of blotch but only local. majority in neck or head. be little speckled globular skin disease, if sweat likely so itchy. All this diseases can contagious. Scabies of the same nation dry speckled skin disease merata on head / parts other.
Recipe for blotch: ginger memparut then mixed remasan black ant and given eucalyptus oil, then menggosokkan in blotch centre / in existing skin blotch. there also recipe other: leaf ketepeng china at crumple up and spice with a little salt then scrub in blotch. ointment recipe for scabies: butmeg and sulphur is threshed then mixed palm oil, then heated. Recipe other: dau sambiroto 10 gram, pomegranate leaf 15 gram, sulphur is threshed 10 gram. All ingredients is threshed then at spice with palm oil / vco then heated.
While medicine to drunk: leaf sambiroto, leaf meniran, indonesian chinese father pule, widoro white. Boiled and the water to drunk.

By Aan
thanks to : http://www.ide-boedi.blogspot.com

Nail Treatment

Do treatment manicure and pedicure, obvious can be done women moment free at the houses. mean, womankind can get hand finger nail and only in treatment 30 minutes (once one week). Follow manner - its way:

  1. Erase nail-polish (kuteks) long: to cause the loss of former kuteks old ones, take cotton gives aceton up to wet and hush during one second on nail. don't at scrubs! enough at stroke to avoid cuticle.
  2. Nail -file: if necessary nail is cut formerly. use emery board to mem-file nail from end outside to part middle nail, then from end again to part middle. nail don't ”at saw”!
  3. Soak hand finger and your foot: use warm water with soap, lemon juice or olive. this will cause dirt and soften cuticle. dry. then clean with special brush.
  4. Push cuticle: don't ever cut cuticle, because can causes infection.
  5. Moisturizer: application cream hand and foot then scrub during 5 minutes. dry by pat warm towel. repeat first step to causes oil from nail.
  6. Wear nail-polish: begin from part middle nail, then go down aside left or right.
  7. Wait: nail-polish usually dry in 90 second, but so that bone dry (without former) let dry during 15 minutes. manner dries by fast: after 90 second, insert nail into container contains cold water or ice.

Overcome And Care Oily Skin

Oily skin oftentimes coms from millions person and although there are some treatment that can be done, condition a kind of this may be then will repeat during through years. Marked oily skin with appearance that shines and dull. If conditon a kind of this go on during through years pore at your face skin can closed by oil that overs do and can evoke acne problem. Treatment choice that can be used decrease out it oil redundantly with chemicals or hard soap. but, if this go on redundantly and too much can decrease oil in certain points exactly will make skin will go. Is caring oily skin by true is bing difficult process, where want balance between decrease out it oil without having to causes new problem, with make skin goes dry. actually, comprehension that oily skin cause matter so that can find true solution to overcome it.

The root cause oily skin

Obsolence news, gene is oily skin problem cause - at least in majority case. Primary factor other that causes oily skin pattern eats us. too much sugar process, liquid and enter it salt possible contribution in oily skin problem. Although breed factor is guessed as oily skin cause, skin doctor permanent will recommend choice will diet for the purpose of will overcome the problem.

Our hormone is problem other that so big factor for (in a few case during long) with oily skin problem. This case is especially happens in a period of when does hormone level very uneven. Factor usually in a period of adolescent where too much production sebum (be skin oil) as hormone level result not certain.

Also inclined uneven during pregnant time where oily skin oftentimes soes a problem to all prenatal woman. Pill kb also can com into question that aggravate this conditon. Factor other that known as oily skin problem cause cosmetics and humidity or air schorching.

Oily skin treatment

- Temporary diet to be biggest factor in oily skin problem, majority one would will choose to will oppose condition a kind of this directly. And usually with cope to cause the loss of oil absolutely, by using hard soap solution concentration alkali tall. Unfortunately, this manner is oftentimes exactly causess problem under the way then even causes oilier skin.

-Oil that produced by gland sebaceous useful to help to smoothen our skin and help to take care skin humidity. If somebody washes face redundantly and cause the loss of sebum, skin will change into dry, scaly, and even causes itchy. plus, oil removal will stimulate gland sebaceous will produce more many oils and can causes condition that called reactive seborrhea. This matter will make your gland will work redundantly and can causes to fail function at period to come. various face soap that causes problem, rather than overcome, best avoided.

- If you want to find face soap not contain chemicals, better koid soap that alcoholic, how does the good choose berbahan base natural, like olive, almond or kocado. All the it has absorption function in where help skin change and watch over humidity.

-Wash face with warm water, not hot water. Really important stop out it oil overs do, but rather than cause the loss of oil absolutely. hot water simplifies soap causes oil and dirt from face and also speed up overall process, but that also causes skin goes dry and scaly. Also important payed so that not scrub face redundantly, that thing also causes oil losts redundantly. Soft movement and slow moment clean face last for decrease your oily skin problem without having to causes skin go dry.

- Don't excessively wash face. this is may be easiest manner to cause the loss of oil, but this matter also can causes the happening of reactive seborrhea. A day once wash face with soft frothy soap last for cause the loss of oil has overred do, humidity permanent temporary that protects permanent skin awakes.

- Use moisturizer really important, but type whom you use not less important. by avoid to spend money in vain cause to choose wrong moisturizer, Look at ingredient that implied in that moisturizer whats as according to your skin. moisturizer that contain chemicals or synthetic exactly can causes problem belong allergy reaction, dehydration, and even acne. Plus, if unsuited the balance even will causes out it oil will over do that want you koid. After scrub face with soft soap, best use moisturizer degan natural ingredient likes minyal almond, olive or kocado, where all the it protect, moisten and help beautiful appear skin without gives side effects such as those which caused chemicals and synthetic.

Such tips we give to overcome oily skin. but, any way besides treatment, diet also good for overcome oily skin brother, guard pattern eats you and don't forget sport.

Source : Kapanlagi.com

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pretty in Overcome Problem

Usually a man evaluates a woman from the physical appearance formerly. There proverb that say from eye goes to heart. And so do woman usually in life everyday it not get out of to makeup, dress up, use makeup to beautify self. With us beautify our self felts balmier and self confidence at every appearance whatevers and whenever.

But pretty that is not yet enough, must be balanced by what be called to well. Well body and spritual, our body wells but not yet sure soul or our idea wells. both this must you get every the day. Clean, pretty and well that very at beed to to maximise and complete your life everyday. Koid heavy jobs, follow you are unnecessary is done. Can you do hard work but don't at porsir because that thing will causes incidence pressure in your mind.

Hen keep away idea/problem sea stress you. Assure in your conscience every problem certain there road out it. Bring to relax and think positive towards problem whom you have. Draw near feeling you in cool nature panorama and calm, because with calm conditon that thing will make you are easy will think positive. Don't excessively hear clunk, hard music and noise atmosphere. Because the mentioned will cause you will experience stres up to depression.

May be with you menyibuk your self is with cares body or your face passes natural therapies like spa. That will decrease exhaustion whom you are natural.
good tips pretty this can overcome your problem ……………. good successful.


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