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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Buku "The secret of win32 assembler"

Telah terbit buku assembler terbaru judulnya "The secret of win32 assembler" harganya hanya 60.000,-... (Belum termasuk ongkos kirim) .Buku yang mengungkap tentang rahasia segala pemograman. (PHP, Delphi, VB, C++ dll). Jika berminat silahkan hubungi 081229494195 atau anestaprity (YM) atau di http://hanjian-ok.co.cc

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Book Assembler

Available book Assembler with book title "The Secret of Win32 Assembler" Programming Secret Aseembler 32. Only your just Rp.60.000 already can have it. Nevertheless temporary still use Indonesian [language] article. For ordering contact Icha in 081229494195.

Mausoleum Imam Bonjol

Not a lot my know about my sir history Imam Bonjol. Nevertheless after my berjiarah in his mausoleum is felt moved emotionally once. See his struggle opponent Belanda till he is detached to this North Propinsi sulawesi. Its mausoleum very simple although outside mausoleum area there is other mausoleums. Painting Engraving is spreaded out in wall of mausoleum house. Fair to middling mausoleum area clean and maintained because maintain by a woman door-keeper. That purportedly door-keeper is referred still high-ranking court servant (in Central Java) clan Imam Bonjol.

Not far from mausoleum namely precisely behind mausoleum is existed clear river and impinge small. where river are referred is his water source in one life spans and impinge referred his place sholat and pray. Public road that to river is referred passed by by footpath of have the shape of childrens doorstep.

Fresh wind Atmosphere is felt once in river is referred. Gemericik river stream splash makes this liver selfpossessed. After we enter impinge exists beside river, d idalamnya we can see a stone multiplies face direction and one well unit beside under. Purportedly stone is referred place sholat Imam Bonjol and well is referred is water source wudhu.

There is bizzare forms in stone is referred. There are two hole units in form of knee in the middle of stone (he said that hole is foot knee sujud Imam Bonjol when conduct shalat). By see size two that hole units big enough then I think "so diligent its he in conducting religious service and so people big-level of away back of the size knee eye that so big".

Make vexed please visit mausoleum Imam Bonjol.


Crocodile Stone

Following is one of tourism location in city Manado. Tourism Location this is the historic ommission place have the shape of "Stone Buaya". Purportedly provenance of crocodile stone this is the incarnation of makluk (don't know crocodile/human) that cursed become a stone in form of crocodile. And this history mystery is only known by tribe Bantik.
We have time to visit this location of crocodile stone, where its place is not so taken care of (many ilalangs). Me see there there is no its door-keeper (expert custodian). Until I even also information insuffiency from provenance of crocodile stone referred [as]. And this this simple information only I got pass by interview with local resident that not far reside disekitar object wisata history is referred [as].


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Batu buaya

Berikut ini merupakan salah satu lokasi pariwisata di kota Manado. Lokasi pariwisata ini adalah tempat peninggalan bersejarah berupa "Batu Buaya". Konon asal mula batu buaya ini adalah jelmaan makluk (entah buaya/manusia) yang dikutuk menjadi sebuah batu berbentuk buaya. Dan misteri sejarah ini hanya diketahui oleh suku Bantik.
Kami sempat mengunjungi lokasi batu buaya ini, dimana tempatnya tidak begitu terawat (banyak ilalang). Maklum saya lihat disitu tidak ada juru kuncinya (penjaga ahli). Sehingga saya pun kekurangan informasi dari asal mula batu buaya tersebut. Dan ini informasi sederhana ini hanya saya dapatkan melalui wawancara dengan penduduk setempat yang tidak jauh bertempat tinggal disekita obyek wisata sejarah tersebut.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Manfaat Mengonsumsi Susu

Karena memiliki kandungan nutrisi tersebut, maka susu memiliki manfaat yang tidak sedikit, diantaranya:

  • Mencegah osteoporosis dan menjaga tulang tetap kuat. Bagi anak-anak, susu berfungsi untuk pertumbuhan tulang yang membuat anak menjadi bertambah tinggi.
  • Menurunkan tekanan darah.
  • Mencegah kerusakan gigi dan menjaga kesehatan mulut. Susu mampu mengurangi keasaman mulut, merangsang air liur, mengurangi plak dan mencegah gigi berlubang.
  • Menetralisir racun seperti logam atau timah yang mungkin terkandung dalam makanan.
  • Mencegah terjadinya kanker kolon atau kanker usus.
  • Mencegah diabetes tipe 2.
  • Mempercantik kulit, membuatnya lebih bersinar.
  • Membantu agar lebih cepat tidur. Hal ini karena kandungan susu akan merangsang hormon melatonin yang akan membuat tubuh mengantuk.

sumber: http://kumpulan.info

Friday, June 26, 2009

Ingin Blackberry Gratis, Ikuti Survey Red Mango FrozenYogurt

Buat anda yang ingin mendapat Blackberry secara gratis, silahkan ikuti survey Red Mango Frozen Yogurt yang akan dibuka pada bulan juli ini di Mall Taman Anggrek. Dijamin nggak rugi lho, silahkan coba dengan mengklik situs ini Blackberry Gratis.



Source Code PHP, VB and Delphi"

Available CD-CD "Set of 2500 Source Code PHPs, Visual Basic (VB) and Delphi". Enough with $35 (has been entered delivery expense) You already can have it. Please contacted pass by Yahoo Messenger (YM) in anestaprity@yahoo.com or contact 085224607342.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Kumpulan 2500 Source Code

Tersedia 20 CD berisi "2500 Source Code dari PHP,Visual Basic (VB), dan Delphi" cukup dengan Rp.25.000,- per CD.Bagi yang berminat silahkan hubungi anes di (YM:anestaprity@yahoo.com). Hanya khusus wilayah DIY.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Call Service (Service Panggilan) "Basmi Virus"

Call Service adalah sebuah layanan panggil, untuk menangani masalah-masalah seperti :
1. Basmi segala macam virus komputer (Rp.30.000,-/pc).
2. Menerima Instalasi Komputer (baik Windows dan Linux).
3. Menerima Backup dan Rcovery Data.
Layanan ini khusus wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). Cukup dengan Anda SMS (mengirim alamat Anda )ke 085224607342, maka kami akan segera datang ke tempat Anda.
"Service Cepat dan Garansi uang kembali serta Aman".


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Memaafkan Mu Mudah Bagiku, Tetapi Memaafkan Perbuatanmu Sulit Kuterima

Ini kisah ku, kisah hati yang terluka. Terluka menerima sebuah pengkhianatan dari orang yang kusayang. Mungkin saat ini apabila aku sedang meresapi lagu "Kau 3 Kan Cinta" (lirik dari lagu Elkasih Band), tepat sekali itu yang kualami.
4 tahun sudah ku bina rumah tangga ini, banyak hari-hari indah dan pahit aku alami bersamanya. Namun hampir setiap 1 tahun sekali dia selalu mencetak sejarah "Perselngkuhan" dengan wanita lain. Setiap kali dia menyakitiku setiap kali itu juga aku selalu memaafkannya. Namun bukan berarti aku memaafkan perbuatannya.
Hati wanita mana yang tak teriris sembilu melihat suaminya bercumbu dengan 2 wanita lain di kamar kami saat aku tak ada dirumah? Bukannya dia membela ku tapi dia malah lebih melukai ku. Selalu aku telan pahit-pahit dan kelu di hati ini. Kalaupun saat ini aku memutuskan untuk menerima dia kembali bukan berari aku menerima semua itu, melainkan karena kebahagian Putri ku.
Pesan ku "Cobalah Untuk Setia" sayangku, mungkin ini maaf yang terakhir kali setelah sekian kali kau khianati aku. Satu lagi, tolong kalau niat selingkuh cari yang lebih dari aku segalanya. Karena aku muntah, muak dan ga selevel apabila dibandingkan dengan mereka. Carilah yang lebih dari aku, lebih cantik (kebanyakan jelek), lebih kaya (miskin semua), lebih dewasa (ga manja). Masih ada 1 pertanyaan ku pada mu " mengapa dirimu selalu kembali kepada ku ?"

Hati yang terluka

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Skin Treatment From Sun

1. protect skin from ultra violet ray (uv).

a little hitted sunshine directly very good to your skin well-being as a whole, because when too much get light uv, can causes damage significant towards your skin quickly. sunshine surplus genuinely can make old quicker age skin, wrinkled, fleck, and even cancer.

ascertain to use sunscreen well. will use sunscreen when go to outside room during more than 10 minutes.

2. therapy with green tea.

you may be know that is juicy have drunk important for beauties and well-being. but you may be doesn't know that drink green tea yg unsweetened far better from water self.

green tea not only taste better from branch water (that make it easier for thirsty all day long) but also because contain polyphenols. antioksidan this is effective fight against free radical that can botch in all body and help to watch over your skin, be your biggest organ.

3. eat food diets very well.

diet that well food based on raw vegetable, fruits, cereals, and pod. to food that contain protein choose soy bean / know, egg and little fish in number keci or food that come from bird.

always choose organic food. you also may be like to element increase asupan tall sulphur in food (for example, garlic, onion, asparagus, and egg) because sulphur mengeprcaya help to watch over soft skin and ageless.

clear, all sugar, flour, and gorengan must be avoided.

4. eat many fats wells.

cold-pressed flax seed oil, extra-virgin olive oil, organic virgin coconut oil, and kocado contains all super-lemak well to support skin well-being. this fat is last for fulfillment 20-30% from your daily calorie.
5. lulur skin.

use lulur in trusted skin treatment can make skin well. one of [the] simple manner to does lulur take care dry skin with lulur kocado, mixed with a few orange juice drop, and then at stroke to entire skins.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Money From Kumpulblogger.com

After so much old hope-hope worries, till also I first Pay Out from KumpulBlogger. This also mean first rupiah that I enjoy from Make Money Online this Internet in real. Only needed a couple of days my first payment transfer pass by account BCA, although its quantity only Rp. 11.300 this also also answer my doubt that this PPC [it is true] proven correctness payee. From pengamantan I some PPC last weeks this [it is true] very suited for beginner or Newbi, will tau why? take a glass of copy first, for that cigarette nyalahin first one and we will a few/little share about this PPC Lokal Indonesia.

This KumpulBlogger foolproof once in its registration process, blog that you register needn't have Page Rank or nice Alexa Rank, and visitor your blog also not obliged to the tune certain, even sebua your new blog makes direct can be attached script its advertisement. No like other PPC that oblige your blog fulfills conditions terntentu. Then from that this PPC very compatible make beginner, you only must make a blog (just gratisan first) and start posting some articles, labour 5 postingans and start enlist. Has not yet had list blog here.

How much/many its payment Sir?
After you enlist and start tide script advertisement provided, then every valid click for text link ads Rp. 300 and for mini banner Rp. 400.

Only 400 silvers when rich its Sir?
Imagine if your blog can reach for 100 times clicks ?, 1000 times clicks ? 10ribu multiplies click ?, 100 thousand multiply click ? or not at all ?? Reckon also hit how many amount Advertiser Indonesia that readied expended budget marketingnya passed by marketing online activity pass by Blog?, By the way, with data of Internet customer Indonesia that purportedly has reached 20 million, could probably expected in drew enthusiasm advertiser to conduct campaign activity online marketing pass by blog, and mudah2an you also can kecipratan rezeki.

There is System Referral nope?
System Referral for Blogger of course, For you that recommend Temannya for join in KumpulBlogger.com and friend is referred [as] getting the click amount, then every click that obtained/got by your friend, You as [the] blogger will get Rp.25 for Iklan Mode Text Links, For Iklan Mode Mini Banner, You will get Rp. 50. System Referral only applies to 1 level [only]. Referral for Advertiser also, For you a success recommend advertiser for in KumpulBlogger.com, You will get commission [of] 3% from value of advertisement purchasing. And this go into effect also if advertiser is referred [as] conduct repeat order, you still will get commission from purchasing repeat order

Click that Valid how yes?
Click Fraud not reckons, that is to say Jumlah Klik are determined from Unique IP Address Visitor, Matter Iklan that ever clicked from IP Address in common, will not be counted/calculated. What else that ngeklik you alone advertisement, waahh oppositely/also can in banned Sir!!!

Gimana our way of commission payment?
Payment, if revenue minimum you have reached 10 thousand rupiahs, suggested to use account BCA, BNI, Bank mandiri, and Commercial bank to accept your payment, in other hand also this PPC accepts payment melaui Paypal.

by. http://indo-trans.blogspot.com

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Qvercome ill Menstruation

Menstruation is bleeding event periodical and siklik (montly) from uterus is espoused uterus the mucous membrane deliverance (endometrium) passes vagina in woman adult sexual. Every woman is welling is not with a child and not yet menopause will get menstruation in per month. Under normal circumstances the long menstruation ranges from 3-7 day and average repeat every 28 days.

Pain taste moment menstruation is gynaecology complaint most commonly and many undergone by woman. Pain taste moment menstruation is not known surely the hook with the cause, but several factors can influence that is hormone imbalance and factor psikologis. Pain taste can be primary disturbance or be secondary disturbance from various disease kind. Menstruation pain that caused primary disturbance enough often happens, usually emerge after begined it first menstruation and frequently lost after pregnant or at the height of woman age. The cause possibility is result from hormone secretion enhanced prostaglandin that causes enhanced kontraksi uterus, this menstruation ill kind is many assaults adolescent and go on until adult. Menstruation pain that caused by secondary disturbance usually happens in woman previous older doesn't experience pain. usually ill taste relates to gynecological disturbance likes endometriosis, stricture serviks, malposisi uterus, pelvis inflamed disease, and tumor from pelvis hole. therefore, to overcome it must be known surely what the cause, so that can be taken medical steps correct.

Menstruation pain phenomenons among others that is: ill taste comes disjointedly, sharp and cramps at part under stomach usually scattered to backside, then to foot, thigh base and vulva (woman sex organ exterior). Also followed with premenstruasi syndrome that is phenomenon nest varies that appear between 7 up to 14 days before menstruation time is begun and usually stop moment menstruation begins. Phenomenon? phenomenon cover behaviour likes discontent, defresi, iritabilitas/sensitive, hottempered, disturbance sleeps, exhaustion, weak, crave for food and sometimes mood change very fast. Besides also physical complaint likes breast asa ill or swell, puffed up stomach or ill, headache, ill hinge, backache, sick, vomit, diarrhea or constipation, and skin problem likes acne.

To decrease ill taste moment menstruation because primary disturbance can menguna paregoric medicine (analgetik) like aspirin, or with hormone gift antiprostaglandin to decrease strength kontraksi uterus, but hormone gift antiprostaglandin must be careful especially in woman that want pregnant.

Next several things that can be done to anticipate and decrease ill at the (time) of menstruation:

? paste up hot water full bottle or hot/warm cushion in stomach region.

? massage region stomach/abdomen inch by inch

? try to sleep supine with foot/knee is spragged with pillow

? do light sport likes gymnastics, by foot, or cycle at the (time) of before and during menstruation, the mentioned can make blood stream in muscle around uterus be fluent, so that pain taste can be overcome or decrease.

Medicine plant that can be used to decrease and overcome ill taste at the (time) of menstruation mempunyei effect analgetik (calms ill taste), launch blood circulation, and liquefy blood clot.

Next example several medicine plants that can be used to overcome menstruation pain.

1. God leaf (gynura segetum [lour. ] merr. )

part that used: entire plant/herbs. effect: launch blood circulation, liquefy blood clot, anti-coagulant

2. Rose (rosa chinensis jack. )

part that used: flower. effect: launch blood circulation, menormal menstruation cycle, antiradang, cause the loss of swollen.

3. Siantan/soka (ixora stricta roxb. )

part that used: flower. effect: calm ill taste (analgetik), lessen blood clot, launch circulation.

4. China hia/new leaf (artemisia vulgaris l. )

Part that used: entire /herb plants. effect: cause the loss of ill (analgetik), launch blood circulation, regulate menstruation, stop bleeding, cause the loss of cold taste.

5. ginjean (leonurus sibiricus l. )

Part that used: entire plants (herb). effect: launch blood circulation, menormal menstruation cycle, peluruh menstruation (emenagog), cause the loss of swelling and wrinkle uterus.

6. Teki (cyperus rotundus l. )

part that used: tuber. effect: menormal menstruation cycle, cause the loss of ill (analgetik), launch vital energy. be important medicine for diseases in woman (gynecological menyeases)

7. Meet to joke (curcuma xanthorrhiza)

Part that used: rimpang. effect: as peluruh menstruation (emenagog), tonic, antiradang, hepatoprotektor, and others.

Next medicine plant recipe example that can be used to overcome menstruation pain (menymenore):

Recipe 1.

30 gram meet to joke + 30 gram meet black + 20 grams of ginger + 20 gram tamarind + palm sugar sufficient, washed and mempotong-potong, boiled with 600 cc water up to remained 200 cc, filtered, the water is drunk.

Recipe 2.

3 red rose buds + 2 flower buds siantan/soka + 15 grams of flower bugenfil, washed and boiled with 600 cc water up to remained 300 cc, filtered, the water is drunk 2 times a day.

recipe 3.

15-30 gram fresh god leaf + 20 grams of turmeric, washed and boiled with 600 cc water up to remained 300 cc, filtered, the water is drunk 2 times a day.

Recipe 4.

30 grams of fresh china hia/new leaf or 15 gram dry boiled with 400 cc water up to remained 200 cc, filtered, the water is drunk.

Recipe 5.

20 gram ginjean dry + 10 grams of grass tuber teki dry, washed and boiled with 600 cc water up to remained 300 cc, filtered, the water is drunk 2 times a day.


For poaching uses soil cooking pot, pan enamel or glass pan.

(source: hembing)
" source: liaison"

Successful and Scoop Up Rupiah Without Capital

Make you that want successful and scoop up rupiah without capital in indonesia please bergaung with us.

Mau Kaya Cuma Dengan Refferal n JAdi Publisher

Tau ga sich, sekarang sudah ada program pay per klick indonesia version.....Namanya kumpulblogger.com . Ini kisah nyata dari aku sendiri. dulu aku dah 3 kali ikut Google AdSense dan sudah 3 kali juga ke banned. Wah, memang dewi fortuna sedang tidang berpihak pada ku. Padahal dulu aku dah hampir 100 dollar lho......yach....ada ja alasannya hingga blog ku ini bisa ke banned. Aku dah coba pake nama aku, bapak ku dan adik ku, tapi tetap aja ditengah jalan pasti ke banned.

Tapi dengan ke bannednya dari Google adsense tidak membuat aku putus asa. Eh, ternyata masih ada juga Adnsense versi indonesia, ya walo harus dibayar pake rupiah tapi ternyata lumayan penghasilannya. Malah tidak harus dengan menukarkan cek dan menunggu waktu lama alias langsung transfer ke rekening.

Buat kamu yang penasaran silahkan bergabung disini.

Dijamin ga bakal rugi atau pun menyesal. Jangan lupa No. Rekening tabungannya yang valid ya.
Selamat mencoba.......

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Get Money Without Capital

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I very suggest you to try that one this, because not release fund any alias 100% FREE, and there is no expense expenditure is hided after become member, like expense to upgrade member.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Take care of tooth early on

Surabaya, eHealth. Dental-hygiene and mouth at a period of Balita and child in the reality enough determines at age level hereinafter. If treatment is not put accross, they will rentan are hit some tooth disease and mouths. Disease that often emerge usually, caries (hole at tooth surface), ginggivitis (gingivitis), and sprue. In order to hygiene and the little one dental-hygiene always maintain, to brush teeth early on. Them to brush teeth it at least two-time one day, especially after eat sweet food and before night sleep. Lesson brush teeths referred must adapted for age Balita you. As well as with pasta and toothbrush that used to clean the little one tooth that just a few minutes grow that. Following tips take care ofs tooth and mouth Balita in accordance with its age.

Age 1-1,5 year

Age this is the ideal time to start lesson brush teeths. Because, your sweetheart milkteeth has sprouted. For your first lesson poison starts teach brush teeth with special toothbrush for children. Comb Fur don't too ossify/flabby/seldom. The end of toothbrush and the end of comb fur sedekat maybe. Poison also uses soft toothbrush that can be sheathed at your finger.

Following its way.

1. The little one Toothbrush without use tooth paste or odol, to prevent possibility swallowed too much fluoride ( F) that consisted in in tooth paste.

2. The little one Toothbrush with movement turn around.

3. Rinse by give white water matures clean until not berisiko causes diarrhoea if swallowed.

To accustom brush teeth in this age, first your poison accustoms the little one sees you brush teeth. Later, let him/hers holds by it self its toothbrush and play at the same time imitate movement brush teeths.

Age 1,5-2 year

By age this, the little one usually has started can hold toothbrush and gargle. Thus, now they have been taught brush teeth use special tooth paste for Balita, nevertheless ascertained did not too much wear it. Before start lesson of tooth comb, you can prepare its tool. Give tooth paste at its toothbrush as big as maize seed. Send out for to the little one swallow tooth paste, although likely delicious, in order to his/her he/she not excess flour.

Teach the little one brush teeths by it self :

1. You and the little one stand up in front of mirror. From the back of, hold the little one hand and instruct its toothbrush to tooth that will be combed. Him/hers imitates your way holds your comb and way move comb to clean tooth.

2. Him/hers opportunity for instruction tooth comb by it self, once even also have not yet correctness its way. This of their motivation to clean its tooth.

3. After finish, him/hers gargles with white water mature clean several times.

4. Give praise if they can conduct it truly, until they like and of its tooth comb without asked.

Age more than 2 year

Start age 2 year, you can start teach the little one brush teeths with method schrob. Namely, a/an method of brush teeth easy and simple for Balita.

Its way :

1. Brush teeth tabletop front and under by aim to from other side right and left.

2. Later, all part tooths from other side, and all backside tooths.

3. Gargle with clean water several times.

sources : http://www.surabaya-ehealth.org

Friday, January 2, 2009

10 Ways Select Healthy Food

Whom sih that do not willing to live healthy? Sure Everybody want to experiences healthy life bodily and spirit.Go to healthy life can be gone through by ways. One of them pass pattern eats us. According to experts, key become healthy is food consumption with well-balanced gizi. In short, we can consume kinds of food that not only contain much calories but rich nutrition. Following 10 tipses that can you follow to get healthy food, but also has been felt delicious in tongue.

  • Nutrisi.Dibutuhkan rich food consumption 40 nutrition types to make body Anda remain to be healthy. And one just food type have never answer the demand asupan all this type of. Your everyday food Choice ought to covers carbohydrate and grain product full other,fruits, vegetable, dairy products and flesh, fish or food that contain other protein. By how much food that must ought to you eat hung from calorie that required your body.
  • Grain consumption full , fruit and vegetable. Survey shows if most people not enough consume this food type. Do you have dined 6-1 of rice portion or sereal, what/wheter 3 portions from one of a type you eat this entered grain full? What you have dined food that consist of 2-4 of fruit portion and 3-5 of vegetable portion? If you are entered that not enjoy this food type previously, then started at this time opportunity berry at yourself to taste it.
  • Arrange well-balanced body weight. Appropriate Body weight for you depend on much factors, entered gender, height of body, age and clan. Body weight Overweight makes blood pressure snda level, cause pain liver, stroke, diabetes, and some cancer type or diseases other. But had body too thin also can cause osteoporosis, imbalance menstruates and other health problem. Thus well-balanced body weight very influences health.
  • Eat in size competent. If you maintain your portion size sensible, easier to dine food that you wish so that you remain to be healthy. What you know rekomondasi ripe food that presented is 3 ounces. Medium size fruits are one portion and one well-balanced pasta cup two portions, and 4 portion of cream ices.
  • Eat regularly. Pass hour eats the right not to make control feels peckish loses, even the result oppositely/also become feel abundant peckish. Moment nda feel hungry, that also mean you forget nutrition problem in makanana you. Dine camilan among hour eat the only way that can help you overcome feel peckish, but don't eat abundant camilan.
  • Lessen, is not limit portion eats. Most people dine food to please it-self. If your favorite food one of a type high fat, salt or sugar, key to make it competent. Check beforehand content in your food diet and alter if that must. For adult that high food consumption fat or dairy products full in every their food, actually had dined too much fat. Exploit nutrition list in food lable to help you balance food choice.
  • Balance your food choice every aaat. Not all foods must perfect. When you dine high food fat, salt or sugar, select that its materials lowest. If you pass this food group in one day, repair in its another day.
  • Know your difficulty of diet program. Repair habit eats you, first recognize what wrong with pattern eat you. Write down anything that you eat in three day, last check list is referred and reconciled with this tips. What you too much dine butter, saus, cream or salad? Before escade at all, better lessen your portion. What you feel unsatisfied by dine fruit and vegetable? Otherwise, you maybe pass vital nutrition in food.
  • Make phaierubahan in bertahap.Tak ever 'super food' or easy healthy diet, don't expect can directly vanish habit eats you in last night. Start make a change one phase to one phase till reach positive result, and get into the habit pattern eats healthy as long as life. To be more easy to its, if you not take a fancy to milk without fat, try milk redah fat. Finally maybe you also will take a fancy to milk without fat.
  • Remember, food not an ugly habit. Select food that relied on pattern eats totalize your, is not base 'good' or 'ugly.' Don't feel guilty if you take a fancy to food like pie, kripik potato, cacao or cream ice. Eat in competent, and select other food that can balance gizi you and variated other, that good to your health.

By Kapanlagi.com

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