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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Skin Treatment From Sun

1. protect skin from ultra violet ray (uv).

a little hitted sunshine directly very good to your skin well-being as a whole, because when too much get light uv, can causes damage significant towards your skin quickly. sunshine surplus genuinely can make old quicker age skin, wrinkled, fleck, and even cancer.

ascertain to use sunscreen well. will use sunscreen when go to outside room during more than 10 minutes.

2. therapy with green tea.

you may be know that is juicy have drunk important for beauties and well-being. but you may be doesn't know that drink green tea yg unsweetened far better from water self.

green tea not only taste better from branch water (that make it easier for thirsty all day long) but also because contain polyphenols. antioksidan this is effective fight against free radical that can botch in all body and help to watch over your skin, be your biggest organ.

3. eat food diets very well.

diet that well food based on raw vegetable, fruits, cereals, and pod. to food that contain protein choose soy bean / know, egg and little fish in number keci or food that come from bird.

always choose organic food. you also may be like to element increase asupan tall sulphur in food (for example, garlic, onion, asparagus, and egg) because sulphur mengeprcaya help to watch over soft skin and ageless.

clear, all sugar, flour, and gorengan must be avoided.

4. eat many fats wells.

cold-pressed flax seed oil, extra-virgin olive oil, organic virgin coconut oil, and kocado contains all super-lemak well to support skin well-being. this fat is last for fulfillment 20-30% from your daily calorie.
5. lulur skin.

use lulur in trusted skin treatment can make skin well. one of [the] simple manner to does lulur take care dry skin with lulur kocado, mixed with a few orange juice drop, and then at stroke to entire skins.

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